Monday, December 31, 2007
The market
The currency trading (FOREX) market is the biggest and the fastest growing market on earth. Its daily turnover is more than 2.5 trillion dollars, which is 100 times greater than the NASDAQ daily turnover. (click here to read full market background by Easy-Forex™).
Markets are places to trade goods. The same goes with FOREX. The Forex goods (or merchandise) are the currencies of various countries. You buy Euro, paying with US dollars, or you sell Japanese Yens for Canadian dollars. That's all.
How does one profit in Forex?
Very simple and obvious: buy cheap and sell for more! The profit is generated from the fluctuations (changes) in the currency exchange market.
The nice thing about the FOREX market, is that regular daily fluctuations, say - around 1%, are multiplied by 100! (in general, Easy-Forex™ offers trading ratios from 1:50 to 1:200). If, for example, the exchange rate of "your" pair of currencies increased by 0.6% in the last 4 hours, your profit will be 60% on your investment! Such can happen in one business day, or in a few hours, even minutes.
Moreover, you cannot lose more than your "margin"! You may profit unlimited amounts, but you never lose more than what you initially risked and invested.
You can implement your choice (the pair of currencies, the volume amount) under any direction to which the market is moving, and yet make profit. It does not matter whether the exchange rate is going up or down: you can always decide to buy Euro and sell dollar, or vice versa - buy dollar and sell Euro. You don't have to physically possess certain currencies in order to perform "buy" or "sell" with them.
How do I start?
Register (Easy-Forex™ offers the simplest and quickest registration process, no obligation); deposit your first trading "margin" amount (credit cards are welcome, only by Easy-Forex™); start trading.
It can't be simpler or easier than that. Need help? We'll provide you with 1-on-1 training and service, as much as necessary (Easy-Forex™ offers real people service, live, in your own language).
How do I trade Forex?
You select the pair of currencies with which you wish to make a Forex deal. You determine the volume (the amount of the deal). You deposit the "margin" (collateral needed to facilitate the deal. Usually - only a very small portion of the whole deal, say: 1% or 1:100).
Before you finally activate the deal, you can still "freeze" it for a few seconds. That enables you to either change the terms, or accept it as is, or altogether regret the whole idea. The "freeze" feature is a unique service by Easy-Forex™.
When your Forex deal is running (you hold an "open position"), you can monitor its status and check scenarios online, whenever you wish. You may change some terms in the deal, or close it (and cash the profit, if any, or minimize the loss, if any). Moreover, Easy-Forex™ lets you determine a "take-profit" rate, with which the deal will close automatically for you, when and if such rate occurs in the market. Meaning: you do not have to stay near your computer when you hold open positions.
Want to know more? Want to get on-line training? Register here (simple, quick, no obligation), we'll be glad to guide you, every step of the way.
Good luck!
Forex trading involves substantial risk of loss, and may not be suitable for everyone.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Internet Business Marketing Methods
Internet Business Marketing Methods
The internet is a great place for people to start the business of their dreams. Online businesses are cheaper to run than standard retail businesses because operating methods are generally low-cost, and internet businesses have very little overhead expenses. Internet business can contain a great deal of products and information without the expense necessary for standard businesses. An internet business can be operated at home, and marketing an internet business has many low-cost options and methods not afforded to regular business owners.
Marketing methods are numerous, but not all methods of internet marketing are known to internet business owners. Low-cost internet marketing methods are available to internet business owners, and these methods are easy to implement. These low-cost marketing methods make it simple for anyone with an internet business to make that business a financial success. An internet business owner doesn't have to be a corporate giant in order to receive the internet marketing it deserves.
For internet businesses and websites to obtain the highest search engine rankings, they must receive an adequate amount of internet traffic. The more the traffic, the higher the ranking. When marketing a website and looking for low-cost methods, this seems like an unfair disadvantage. Internet business owners seeking more traffic submit their websites to search engines in order to increase traffic. If search engines won't list websites high upon their lists when traffic is low, how can internet business owners receive the traffic they need in order to gain higher search engine rankings and a chance at success? This is a marketing nightmare for those looking for low-cost marketing methods. Link exchanges are the answers to those wanting low-cost internet marketing and high search engine rankings.
Internet business owners looking for low-cost internet marketing should seriously consider becoming involved in link exchange opportunities.Exchanging links with other business websites is not just a low-cost marketing method, exchanging business links is often free. There are websites where those wishing to exchange links can find compatible link partners also interested in low-cost and free marketing through increased website traffic.
Once internet business owners are receiving the necessary website traffic in order to achieve high ranking search engine status, they should submit their internet business website to all of the major search engines. Search engine submission and marketing is low-cost and often free through search engine submission services. Website owners using these services are generally asked to place a link to the website submission service on their website. With proper keyword density and meta tags, business websites will achieve higher rankings on major search engine lists. Marketing a business website through low-cost and free online services is an effective and intelligent method of internet business promotion.
To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:
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Saturday, April 21, 2007
Internet Home Based Business - Marketing Yourself on the Web
The phenomenon of the Internet has become a part of our daily lives, so it seems natural to build and internet home based business where you can work from home via the online community. In fact, many organizations are now doing business almost exclusively online. However, in order to build your internet home based business you need to market your products and services.
If you have a start-up internet home based business, you are probably working on a limited budget. Fortunately there are a number of resources available to you to market your internet home based business to the online community. One inexpensive option is to use a pay-per-click marketing program to advertise your internet home based business online. Many large search engines like Google and Yahoo! offer programs where you can advertise your business and only pay when someone clicks on your advertisement. The cost of each click varies, ten cents and upward, based on the popularity of the keywords you register.
Another inexpensive technique to advertise your internet home based business is to share advertising with other websites. If you know of websites that your consumers may frequent, you can discuss swapping advertising on each other's sites. You can also write articles about your internet home based business products or services to be used in other people's e-zines which offers you free advertising on the web.
Offering a newsletter or freebie is a great way to advertise your internet home based business for little time and effort. Having people sign up on your website for a free newsletter courtesy of your internet home based business is a great marketing technique. A newsletter allows your potential consumers know what you have to offer and how it can help them in their endeavors. If you do not have time to create a whole newsletter, then maybe start an e-mail list for simple tips or coupons.
Read the rest of the article here: Internet Home Based Business.
Download the Home Based Business Manual (Free $97 Value!) and receive valuable tips, strategies and techniques designed to grow a very successful Home Based Business.
Copyright © Charles Fuchs is an established online marketer who specializes in helping people start their very own Home Based Business. He specializes in showing people the best way to Make Money at Home.
I grant permission to publish this article, electronically or in print, as long as the bylines are included, with a live link, and the article is not changed in any way.
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Monday, April 16, 2007
Free Internet Marketing Information
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A man walking on a side street in Vancouver stumbled across an old lamp. He picked it up,rubbed it, and out popped a genie.
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So the man said, "I have been married and divorced four times. My wife's always said that I don't care and that I am insensitive. I wish that I could understand women, know how they feel inside and what they're thinking when they give me the silent treatment. Know why they're crying, know what they really want when they say "nothing", know how to make them truly happy."
The genie said, "Do you want that bridge to be two lanes or four?"
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Bruce Chambers sold his printing, publishing, and mail order business and retired in 1980.
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
6 Proven Steps To Internet Marketing Success
You need to give yourself at least a year to make an online business work and budget your money accordingly. Too many times I see people ploughing a wad of cash into their businesses and again, expecting instant riches.
New marketers also make the mistake of thinking that one marketing strategy will do. Of course some avenues will produce more than others but I have found the best way is to adapt a broad based approach to your online marketing. That means spreading your time and resources over several different methods.
I will attempt to outline in this text everything I feel you need to be doing consistently to make a success of your online business.
Again I MUST point out that you need to persist is this strategy and spend your money wisely. It amazes me the amount of people who drop out after the first month or two. What do they expect, miracles? You wouldn't ditch an offline business after a month so why would you expect an online enterprise to be any different?
If you fail to plan then you plan to fail.
Bottom line is, targeted visitors = sales. This is definitely a numbers game and obviously the more targeted visitors you send to your website the more money you make. The concept is simple but you need to maintain a healthy focus to ensure that you stick this out for as long as it takes to make a profit, and progress to financial freedom online.
Here are the methods I use to send daily visitors to my sites:
1)Build Your List
It's true what they say that the money IS in the list. Most successful online marketers have large lists of targeted prospects that they can send their offers to on a regular basis. Anyone new to this business should begin to build this list immediately.
You have to start somewhere and it takes time but it is certainly worth your while to begin now and develop a lasting and trustful relationship with those list members who eventually will feel comfortable in purchasing your recommendations. When trust grows this targeted list will become a virtual money tree and make you cash at will. Some marketers are able to makes $1000s sending an email to their list, which takes little more than a few minutes to write. Can you see the power in this method?
I use a couple of different methods, online forms at all my websites encouraging prospects to add their name and email addresses plus I also purchase many of my addresses from other companies that can send me 1000s of emails for affordable prices. These addresses are spam free and can grow my list a lot quicker than I could ever do from my own websites.
I have set up some tutorials here for companies that will send you targeted visitors:
2)Pay Per Click search engines.
Over the years I have used PPCSEs to send 1000s of visitors to my sites. This is a fast track way to drive traffic to your sites. You can be up and running and getting hits in minutes.
I use,, and These are three of the most popular but there are many others which you can find here:
I suggest you use Wordtracker ( to accumulate as many TARGETED keywords as you can. The more targeted keywords you collect the more visitors you get.
The idea is to ensure that you are paying less for visitors on a monthly basis than the sales you make.
3)Google Adwords (
Google adwords is similar in principle to PPCSEs in that you pay for your visitors. I suggest you use Wordtracker ( to accumlate 1000s of keyword phrases.
4)Article Submissions
Submitting topical articles is one of the most affordable and at the same time effective marketing strategies I know of. For more info and the resources to do this visit here:
5)Regular Search Engines
Yahoo, Google, and MSN send me as many visitors per day as any other strategy I use. It is highly recommended that you get started immediately to begin to build the online web presence of your website and thus your search engine rankings.
I have done this mostly through a reciprocal linking campaign which has had a greater effect on my search engine rankings than anything else. I employ the use of Linksmanager ( to automate my links campaign for which I pay a monthly fee or you can set up your own links manager at your own site using Kevin Ocasio's excellent Reciprocal Manager (
For affordable search engine submission software try Web Position Gold (
Please note: This is a long term strategy, so it will take at least a few months of persistent action to see any results at all.
6)Forum Posting
One of the greatest things that happened to me in my online career was being appointed moderator at one on the most popular online internet marketing forums. This has opened up more avenues and opportunities than any other strategy. I suggest you visit the popular, high traffic online forums daily and make it a point of sharing your experiences and giving your advice as often as possible. Get yourself seen!
The thing about this method too is that you can have a link pointing to your site in the signature of each post you make. Posting at forums will send daily traffic to your site AND the visitors will be highly targeted.
Here are two high traffic forums that I frequent:
This one isn't high traffic yet but I will be there to answer your questions:
In conclusion:
I have been marketing online since 1998 and have tried 100s of different ways to drive targeted traffic to my websites. The above six strategies work, so I suggest you print them out and make the methods part of your daily marketing plan for the foreseeable future.
If they can work for me then they WILL work for you.
I wish you every success in your efforts.
Copyright 2004 Mal Keenan
About The Author
Mal Keenan is editor and publisher of Home Business Tips Newsletter:
For A Home Business You Can Believe In, With Benefits, Click Below:
Monday, April 9, 2007
10 easy steps to get thousands of visitors to your new blog
For start you must have some posts. Search engines and people must read something on your blog.
So if you don’t have content add some before start promoting the blog.
Remember if the content is high quality people will talk about your blog to other, that brings you extra free traffic.
So let us start promoting the blog.
1. Let search engine know you exist.
The idea is to get the search engines come and index your site.
There is a free service that submits your blog in 20 search engines. All you have to do is to choose the desired search engines where you want the blog to appear, write the url and a valid email address. You may submit from
2. Submit your blog to blog directories
Submitting to blog directories will help you increase the number of visitors, your page rank and your search engine position.
Submit in as many blog directories as you can.
3. Submit your blog to general and niche directories
Submitting general and niche get a better search engine position and will increase the number of readers for your blog.
For directory submission you can use a software tool to automatize the process and save weeks of work. You can gat a free trial for the software from
4. Submit you feeds to Rss directories
Submit your blog to all of the directories listed at to get extra traffic.
5. Use social bookmarks
Adding social bookmark links to your blog makes it easy for your visitors to save and share your content.
There is a free tool to make social bookmarks:
6. Use Article Directories
Article directories can be a great resource for articles to post on your blog. Here are a few:,,
7. Start a press release campaign
When you have enough content on your blog start a press release campaign. You will find a lot of press release distributors just using a search engine.
8. Place the link and description of your blog in your signature
So that any posts to forums, outgoing emails, auto responder courses will promote your blog.
9. Locate blogs with a lot of traffic and place useful comments in their comment box.
Be sure the blog and your comments are relevant to both your blog and theirs. Senseless posts won't help you, they'll hurt you.
10. Use ping services
Pinging will alert different search engines that your blog has updated.
So the crawlers will come and index your new post. They crawl and index your site and your blog gets more visitors.
The ping tool that I recommend is
All this techniques I have personally used with success on my blog This gadget blog was launched in January 2007 and attracted 6016 visits in less than 20 days.
Remember to make a blog post as often as possible. More than once a day is not really necessary.
Dan Ionescu is the webmaster for: the blog which teach you how to build a blog, promote it and make money with it and for the blog where you get the best gift ideas.
Friday, April 6, 2007
empowerism, mlm. make money, internet marketing,
By Tanner Larsson
Is there a program available that is easy to use, inexpensive, and sets you up for success? Yes there is, and it’s called Empowerism. What is Empowerism? It’s a new, revolutionary idea on the successful internet marketing home front. With home-based businesses becoming more popular and more and more people turning to the internet to make money, the process of finding the right method for internet success can be daunting. To ensure the most positive outcome for lead generation, one must proceed with caution. It’s easy to get caught up in the thousands of programs advertised to help you generate the most traffic to your website and in turn make lots of money. Sadly, lots of these so-called helpful guides are scams. Empowerism was put in place to ensure the customer receives beneficial training, support, and step-by-step instructions to make their website highly successful.
Empowerism is taking the world of e-mail marketing by storm and guiding its users to success by explaining and coaching the search engine optimization (SEO) options. SEO’s such as Yahoo and Google are used by millions of people everyday to find everything from science project information to ratings of the best businesses. Empowerism provides the tools to help anyone of any age and skill level to understand the keys to unlocking internet success and generate income.
So how do you get started? It’s very easy and requires hardly any effort. Simply visit and read all about the benefits and effortless ways to generate a decent income. Then, click “register” and you are on your way! Empowerism charges its users a basic fee of around $25 to get started. The system will guide you through the entire process and you can start earning money as early as the very same day you sign up. Even if you are not familiar with the world of net marketing, you will have no problem using Empowerism to set your path to success.
After registering with Empowerism, you will receive all the information you need to succeed. Empowerism provides a power training center with all of the tools needed to create a successful website. (That’s right, you don’t even need a website to get started!) Plus, Empowerism will email you free power training lessons to read at your convenience and learn as you go. And last but not least, you also get live member support and training. Your questions and concerns will be addressed immediately with ticket supports and live chat. With so much information and support, you have absolutely nothing to lose when you use Empowerism.
Tanner Larsson is an Internet Marketer and Entrepreneur who is passionate about providing people with the information and tools they will need to succeed with Empowerism For more information please visit:
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